Canine pets spend a significant portion of their days snoozing. This statement can imply that our doggy friends may experience sleep disorders just like humans and other animals.
It is not uncommon for furry babies to have sleep issues. They can be deprived of sleep for several reasons, including lack of activity, socialization and nutritious food, or loss of appetite and physical health issues.
Meet your vet if you notice your dog making weird sounds in sleep, constantly scratching itself, or rolling around after tucking into bed. If the night’s sleep isn’t restorative, your dog will likely have problems during the day.
Lack of sleep often causes hormonal disorders, immune system problems, behavioral issues, and many other ailments. If you suspect your pup has a sleep issue, consider getting medical help asap.
Simultaneously consider being equipped with pet insurance as a financial hand of comfort during distressing health circumstances and medical emergencies. Pet health insurance covers a furry pet’s unplanned vet costs, which is why you must contemplate purchasing a policy.
Meanwhile, read this article to learn about some canine sleep disorders and their symptoms so you can identify potential issues early.
Puppies can snore like humans and other mammals. Sometimes it’s nothing to worry about but sometimes it can be a sign of “Sleep apnea”, a condition in which lack of oxygen supply to the brain can cause loud snorting or snoring. Flat-faced dogs or “Brachycephalic” breeds are vulnerable to this sleep disorder because they have tiny noses and narrow air passages and hence find it difficult to breathe.
Sleeplessness is a rare condition in dogs, but it can happen. Note that senior dogs are more likely to experience insomnia than younger dogs due to deteriorating health during their final years. It is observed that an older dog may want to sleep but is unable to, making it more anxious and irritated. Lack of exercise and underlying medical conditions are to be blamed in such a case.
3.REM disorder
If your pooch is chasing things in sleep and sometimes more violently, then there could be a health problem you should tackle. Sleepwalking, moving into objects and hurting themselves are things puppies with a REM disorder do. Seek your vet’s advice and medical assistance to remedy the issue.
Older pets suffering from dementia often exhibit this. Pacing at night and crying, restlessness, unable to settle down in the bed or anywhere else, lethargy, and being worried are some sure-shot signs of dementia or sleep and memory problems. Meet your vet if you notice the above red flags to help get your pup happy sleep.
If your puppy is zooming around the place and collapses the next moment, it is most likely suffering from narcolepsy. However, human touch and loud noises can wake the puppy up later.
Keep a watchful eye on your furry pet’s sleeping habits so you know when it is deviating. This way, you can get medical help right at the onset of an issue and save your pet from many more health miseries.
At the same time, consider being prepared with pet insurance so that unanticipated vet visits are more manageable. Pet health insurance allows you to support your furry little one with top-notch health care with potentially less financial stress, so why not contemplate purchasing a policy?